Wednesday 4 May 2011


 “We have got Internet. Why do we need libraries?” Isn’t that what almost everyone thinks now? Sometimes I wonder, that do I read books as passionately as I used to before? The answer is an obvious ‘no’. And that’s plainly because Internet has taken over now. We tend to look up for anything over the Internet without knowing the information we gain is authenticate or not. I myself am habituated to read off the internet. So, now I still read but not books!

Internet now is a ‘necessary-evil’. Researches show that whatever we search for, 8% of which is reliable only, rest either cost, or are unauthenticated or anonymous. Other than that quality control doesn’t exist on the Internet, where as in libraries each book is checked by a trained person if it is suitable for the required age group. Yes, we do need the internet for scientific or historical info (as far as it is accurate) but there is lots of trash uploaded too where parental control is overruled. Anyone can put up anything.
Don’t you think that other than authentication of information, the library provides you with a good peaceful environment along? Where do you find this when E-Booking? And medically reading in print is better than reading off the screen for one’s eyes. There are many E-Booking readers yet again most of it isn’t free. A library is in your reach as well as cheaper.
Aren’t there libraries-less universities now? What do you all think, having a library is useful or not in comparison to internet facility? Books are portable and they have their own feel. Even after having electronic tablets and Wi-Fi’s along they can’t replace books. No doubt the web is great but can never be a good substitute for books.
Surely Internet has gone a long way ahead but it’s a poor substitute for a full-service library. I would say ‘Choose smartly’, ‘Use wisely’ and stay happy!

By Sidra Muzaffar

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