Monday, 25 April 2011

The Major Change

Since birth I have lived in a country that is more than my home country to me. Life was so simple, peaceful, and organized back there. Everything seemed just too perfect, till I graduated high school. The hunt for universities began. Soon I realized that my city did not give me any choice for the majors I selected & then I had to widen my search. My search ended with PAF-Kiet and this is in PAKISTAN, my actual home country. The thought of shifting from Riyadh to Karachi was a nightmare, but HELL, I didn’t have any other choice. The day I stepped in the airplane, I felt the feeling, mothers in our culture describe to their daughters when they get married. :P LOL! I know it sounds weird. But, I could feel a strong sad vibe through me. That day was a Major Change in my life, everything was so different; from the bad dirty humid weather to the roads, cars, people, clothing, types of jokes, topics of conversation and so much more. I felt myself as a stranger in my own home country. I couldn’t understand and swallow the fact. It felt as if I had a slice of Apple horizontally stuck in my throat and I didn’t bother giving a try to get through.
As time passed I got used to the electricity load shedding, the surprising gas load shedding and the very bad weather. But I still couldn’t fit myself in a social circle. I know you might be saying, GOD!! Accept the fact and stop whining. But it wasn’t that easy. Every day I got to see new stuff, mostly weird. I saw men chewing Pan and spitting it almost everywhere except the inside of their house, so many shopaholic women which isn’t very odd but for me it was. Seeing so many beggars and disabled children disturbed me. The worst experience was birds shitting on people. Grrr…. :@ Anyway, the best part here was seeing women drive and that made me see myself driving a car someday, where back all my life this was just a dream.
Now, I’m in my university and can’t even recall how fast 6 months passed away. Although I miss home still the same but now I feel a part of Pakistan, a part of the busy, quarreling and fun filled life. The thought of shifting to any other part of the world wouldn’t have been that tough, because I had people around me that said that it was WAY TOO tough to live in Pakistan. But I guess this change is not that bad. Life here has taught me stuff in such a small span of time and I have gained a stamina do deal with changes; be it Good or Bad!

By Sidra Muzaffar

1 comment:

  1. Haha well everyone needs time to adapt the alien environment they come to, but its kinda strange that there werent any colleges that offered animation related courses in Riyadh.

    Come to think of it most of the Arab animation is done by H2O company.

